Welcome To SeismiCat

SeismiCat Single-Site provides a user-friendly, online seismic risk assessment tool for building property owners, lenders, insurers, municipal analysts and structural engineers:

    • Probabilistic seismic risk assessment for individual buildings
    • Web-based, by subscription
    • ASTM E2026 conformant with USGS ground motions, addressing building damageability (BD) and stability (BS)
    • Secure data storage for future use (e.g. multi-site risk assessment)
    • Post-earthquake damage estimates based on USGS ShakeMaps

Complete Picture of Hazard Exposure

    • USGS ground motions (2008, 2014 and 2018 updates) computed directly for the specific site class
    • Updated geology, USGS quaternary faults, Alquist-Priolo faults zones, liquefaction (zones and susceptibility) and tsunami inundation maps

Building Vulnerability Modeling

    • Automatic inferencing of building seismic design parameters from building design codes (UBC, IBC) effective at the time and location of construction
    • Allowing user-overrides for structural engineering parameters in the presence of accurate building-specific data
    • Multiple building damage models: ATC-13 [1985], CODA (Code-Oriented Damage Assessment), HAZUS-MH

Results and Reports

  • Post-Earthquake Damage Estimation

    When an earthquake occurs, ImageCat obtains the ShakeMap from the U.S. Geological Survey and SeismiCat can then analyze the buildings in your portfolio to evaluate the potential for damage. Regional scenarios and historical earthquakes can also be evaluated for the damage they might produce.

    Free Online Seismic Hazard Screening Tool

    SeismiCat provides free ground shaking hazard lookup to assist in scoping PML studies.

    SeismiCat Portfolio Risk Assessment Tool (SeismiCat-PR)

    Please see here to find out more on SeismiCat-PR, our tool for seismic risk assessment of real-estate portfolios.