Full Seismic Hazard Report

SeismiCat’s development team has been working on preparing a new feature which would allow our subscribers to create automatic site-specific Seismic Hazard Reports that provide a complete overview of seismic hazards for any location within the U.S.

The report provides maps and tables of various seismic hazards from SeismiCat’s database which consists of numerous public and proprietary sources. Some examples for a random location in Downtown Los Angeles are shown below. Please contact us for additional information.

Site Class Map

Site Class Map from California Geological Survey (2015)

Ground Shaking Hazard (calculated directly for site Vs30 value)

Seismic Sources

USGS Quaternary Faults Map

Alquist-Priolo (AP) Fault Zones (California Only)

AP Zones (California Geological Survey)

Various Liquefaction Maps

Liquefaction Susceptibility (United States Geologic Survey Professional Paper 1360 [Ziony, 1985] and Dames & Moore [1986])

California Geological Survey Liquefaction Zones

Tsunami Inundation Zones

California Geological Survey Tsunami Inundation Zones