
SeismiCat offers different types of subscriptions for users with different levels of work volume:

Free Trial
The best way to explore what SeismiCat has to offer!
What do you get?
A free trial subscription to SeismiCat will allow you to explore various features of our web-based Seismic Risk Assessment tool for a 30-day period, with a maximum allowed number of 10 sites. All trial accounts are granted under the SeismiCat Trial Usage terms.
Start your trial subscription now!
Suitable for users with a relatively low volume of work
What do you get?
The pay-per-site subscription will allow you to only pay for the site you create in your SeismiCat account. You will be billed for the total number of sites created in a given month. Alternatively, you can purchase a pre-determined number of sites in the quantity of your choice. You will be able to save/retrieve results from your own secure online database at any time.
Contact us for additional details.
Suitable for high-Volume users
What do you get?
You will be able to create and analyze an unlimited number of sites in your SeismiCat account for an annual fee. You will be able to save/retrieve results from your own secure online database at any time.
Contact us for additional details.


ImageCat, Inc. offers training to assist all paid subscribers in the correct and appropriate use of the SeismiCat tools. Please contact us for further information.