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Free Seismic Hazard Lookup and Screening Report
SeismiCat provides a free Seismic Hazard Lookup (Screening) report to assist Professional Engineers, building owners and real estate lenders with a rapid means to scope seismic risk assessment studies for property transfer due-diligence. Previously, the Seismic Zone Map from the 1997 Uniform Building Code served as a basis for deciding where such studies are required, and the appropriate level of investigation for each. For any user specified location within the U.S., SeismiCat’s free Seismic Hazard Lookup tool provides:
- Summary of the user specified site location information (i.e. full address and geocoded latitude and longitude parameters).
- The equivalent UBC 1997 seismic zone
- The 475-year recurrent Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) for site location based on the user specified version of the USGS Hazard Maps (i.e. 2008, 2014 or 2018)
- Site Class as defined in IBC and ASCE 7 codes based on the regional maps from SeismiCat’s database
- Any special seismic hazards applicable to the site based on approximate regional hazard mapping (e.g. AP fault, liquefaction or tsunami zones)
- Recommended ASTM E 2026 and E2557 scopes of study based on the acceptable level of uncertainty for site stability, building stability and building damageability
Try SeismiCat’s free Seismic Hazard lookup tool here!